In case you've missed it I've started a new weekly show where I live code how to build a cross platform mobile app from scratch using Xamarin. The show is call lprichar code hour and it's live cast to twitch every Tuesday at 9 PM EDT, UTC-4. Recorded episodes are on my youtube channel where you can should subscribe to get notified of new episodes. Here's a recap of the first two episodes:
The first episode I introduced myself and the show, explained what Xamarin is, and how to set up your development environment. Then I build out a hello world app in Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS. I flushed out the UI for a calculator in the iOS app using auto-layout constraints. I explained the pitfalls of using storyboards and showed the all-code alternative using EasyLayout. Here's the 1st show:
In the second episode I built out a calculator UI in Xamarin.Android. I explained axml files, LinearLayout's, device independent pixels (dp) vs scaleable pixels (sp), themes, styles, and appcompat. I also explained some of the pitfalls of axml files in a cross platform architecture.
In episode 3 I'll get into how to organize your code to share logic across platforms and how to unit test your logic. In future episode I'll do page navigation, lists, memory management, and animations.
If this show sounds interesting, please subscribe to my channel on youtube or twitch. I'd also greatly appreciate you sharing this with friends who might want to learn more about cross platform mobile. Finally, please write me on twitter or in the comments to let me know how to make the show better or what topics you'd like to see for future episodes.
Episode 1
The first episode I introduced myself and the show, explained what Xamarin is, and how to set up your development environment. Then I build out a hello world app in Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS. I flushed out the UI for a calculator in the iOS app using auto-layout constraints. I explained the pitfalls of using storyboards and showed the all-code alternative using EasyLayout. Here's the 1st show:
Episode 2
In the second episode I built out a calculator UI in Xamarin.Android. I explained axml files, LinearLayout's, device independent pixels (dp) vs scaleable pixels (sp), themes, styles, and appcompat. I also explained some of the pitfalls of axml files in a cross platform architecture.
What's Next
In episode 3 I'll get into how to organize your code to share logic across platforms and how to unit test your logic. In future episode I'll do page navigation, lists, memory management, and animations.
Call To Action
If this show sounds interesting, please subscribe to my channel on youtube or twitch. I'd also greatly appreciate you sharing this with friends who might want to learn more about cross platform mobile. Finally, please write me on twitter or in the comments to let me know how to make the show better or what topics you'd like to see for future episodes.